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We would like to inform you that our e-shop will be under maintenance from now until August 1, 2024. We are working hard to improve your online shopping experience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
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The e-shop team ArmenianBrandyAndWine


Aragatsotn region is one of the winemaking regions of Armenia. The greater part of the surface area of the region is comprised of young volcanic lavas of various types and natures. Numerous freshwater springs spurt from under lava topsoil and replenish creeks. The main artery of the region is the river Kasakh. The quantity of atmospheric precipitations is 400-1000 meters. According to Armenia’s 2013 statistical report, the complete area of the region’s vineyards is 1698 hectares, of which 1665 hectares is fertile. The main grape varieties are Karmrahyut (red juice), Voskehat (gold grain), Rkatziteli,and so forth.

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