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We would like to inform you that our e-shop will be under maintenance from now until August 1, 2024. We are working hard to improve your online shopping experience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
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The e-shop team ArmenianBrandyAndWine

Armenia Wine

Armenia Wine Company

“Armenia Wine” company was founded by Vardanyan and Mkrtchyan families as a result of love for their homeland, nature and culture. All started in 2006 from the vineyards planted in Armavir region, south-west of Armenia, and later turned into a big winemaking project. The winery itself was founded in 2 years later, in 2008. Winery is located in Aragatsotn, one of the viticultural regions of Armenia. It is situated between Yerevan and Mount Aragats, Armenia’s highest peak.

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