Armenian Wines

Armenian Wines - An Ancient History and Unique Terroir

Situated in the Lesser Caucasus, Armenia is a country with landscapes rich in history, characterized by rocky hills and dormant volcanoes. Armenian vineyards, situated between 900 and 1700 meters above sea level, sprawl across soil primarily of volcanic origin, dotted with extinguished volcanoes. Armenia's continental climate is marked by short, hot summers and long, rigorous winters, with nearly 300 days of sunshine per year.

This emblematic vineyard draws its roots from a millennial history. During excavations in Vayots Dzor, south of Armenia, international archaeologists uncovered vases containing grape seeds, hinting at winemaking practices dating back 6,000 years. In 2010, excavations revealed a winemaking complex dating back to 6100 BCE, including a winepress and a clay fermentation vat. This discovery solidifies the region as the birthplace of vine and wine, a notion already mentioned in the Bible (Genesis, IV to IX) through the epic of Noah.

Explore our selection of Armenian wines, a result of in-depth exploration led by our experts across the country. Accompanied by local guides, we have cultivated an authentic expertise. Trust us, Armenia offers a viticultural wealth that stands on par with the renowned French tradition!

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